
J.L. Holdsworth on RPR and Sustainable Training Techniques

Written by TeamBuildr | Feb 3, 2021




This week we welcome the strongest strength coach in the industry, J.L. Holdsworth, to the TeamBuildr podcast. J.L. is a world champion powerlifter, with personal bests of a 905 pound squat, 775 pound bench press, and 804 pound deadlift. In addition to his athletic accolades, he is also the founder and coach at The Spot Athletics, a training facility in Columbus, Ohio, as well as an outspoken advocate and teacher of the Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) system.

J.L. entered the powerlifting world following his collegiate football career, and quickly became a contender. He battled through personal challenges and a debilitating spinal injury to capture the title of World Champion in 2014, and learned many lessons along the way. J.L. shares these learnings as a coach at his gym, The Spot, which trains primarily youth athletes and adults looking to improve their health. The Spot differs from other gyms in its training approach. The gym emphasizes training to feel good instead of to look good, as well as striving for sustainable long term results through improved movement. J.L. acknowledges that this holistic approach to training is not for everyone, and it differs from the many other gyms that rely on “junk food” fitness that hurts your body in the long run.

"If you’re looking to just get destroyed every single workout, we’re not the place for you, But if you’re looking for sustainable, long term results, and actually improving your movement, your performance, how you feel, how you look, how you perform, then you’re going to love what we do.”

Much of our conversation with J.L. centered on RPR, a system of daily self care techniques that help you perform at your best and prevent injury. RPR essentially helps the human body’s central nervous system, the “electricity of the body” as J.L. calls it, prepare to perform. J.L. has championed this system for years, and he does a fantastic job using analogies to simplify the concept and tout its benefits.

J.L.’s passion to improve the lives of others is infectious, and you can learn more from him by following his personal instagram page, RPR’s instagram page, or the RPR site. Like and subscribe to catch us next week!


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